I love cemeteries!
Life...preferable after all to total nonexistence, the state of being eternally unborn, of never had opportunity to contemplate the exquisite joys and sorrows of life, brief as it is.
C.L. Sulzberger
Talking to our mailgal today (this isn't quite as sexist as it sounds--as a grandmother, she appreciates it). After five years on our route, she's heading across town to start another route next week. We'll miss her.

"Yeah, that's right."
"Cool, anytime you're blue, you can look over the fence and think, Hehe, I'm alive and you're not!"
Her chortles filled our alley.
(You had to be there.)
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Anonymous, at July 30, 2006
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Anonymous, at August 08, 2006
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Anonymous, at August 09, 2006
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Anonymous, at August 15, 2006
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