Joshua Tree

Later I wrote...
What is freewill, anyway? We were talking about it last nite, trying to come to some sort of agreement, one of those "I know what it is until someone asks me about it" deals (I think St. Augustine said that about time). It became clearer this morning after we'd walked up to Ryan Peak. I was scrambling down the gulley that would bring me back to the road below--while good ol' Boo went back down the 1.5 mile trail, down 1200 vertical feet more or less, to get the van.

In fact I--conscious me--is worse than useless. As soon as I think about where I'm going, I make a misstep, like playing table-tennis. You think about what you're doing and you're dead in the water. "I" am allowed to get a ride along with all this wonderful, savvy, instantaneous navigation-and-motivation system. How cool is that?
And how much of life is like that? Just doing, without a conscious thought in the world. No self-consciousness, no sense of making decisions, watching the whole incredible play unfold.
Joshua Tree photos, first folder at
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Anonymous, at March 07, 2006
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