nice blog you have here..I have read many books of Ramana and have visited his ashram at Tiruvannamalai very frequently, infact stay about 4 hours away from that place in city called Chennai, one of India's main metros..Iam into meditation myself..I was initiated into meditation by Isha Yoga Foundation ( than getting can actually do something only when you have the will and your mind will automatically follow inspite of the various conflicts within More in my next Cheers Naarayan
Consciousness-happiness-self-mind...I've been obsessed with these concepts/metaphors for years.
My McGraw-Hill book "Everyday Wonders" is still available (Amazon and have it for about $5) is still a great read! (he said, modestly)
Latest book "Are We Here Yet?” (thanks Blogger for catalyzing publication) is available through
nice blog you have here..I have read many books of Ramana and have visited his ashram at Tiruvannamalai very frequently, infact stay about 4 hours away from that place in city called Chennai, one of India's main metros..Iam into meditation myself..I was initiated into meditation by Isha Yoga Foundation ( than getting can actually do something only when you have the will and your mind will automatically follow inspite of the various conflicts within
More in my next
Naarayan, at March 15, 2006
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
Anonymous, at August 12, 2006
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
Anonymous, at August 17, 2006
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